
Accessories, Blog, News, Tools -


We are big fans of having the right tool for the job.  Many of the collection of Rogue Hoes we have are versatile tools.  But in our line of accessories, we have a few aces up our sleeve that are purpose-built tools for very specific jobs.  We'd like to tell you about a few of those tools and the jobs they do.

Draw knives

We love these little beauties.  Why do you need a draw knife for trail building?  Here on the Wet Coast at least, we like to use cedar for our structure construction.  And a peeled cedar stringer is the only way to make things last.  You can use other tools to strip the bark off a cedar log, but a sharp draw knife really can't be beat.


Loppers are another trick tool we love to use.  We carry these ones because they are light-weight for the hike in, but have sturdy telescoping handles to allow you to reach a limb that may be blocking the trail, but is out of reach.  They also have a wide-opening jaw to allow you to get the most material cut each time.  The ratchet on the anvil loppers allow you to work your way through some large branches (2-3"!).  And for cutting roots out of fresh cut trail - a set of loppers and a hand saw are your best friends.

Hand Saw(s)

Speaking of hand saws!  We carry three different flavours, all with different intents - at least that's how we see it. 

The wood handled saw is a consumer-grade version.  It'll do the job when you need it and is a great giveaway for your volunteer trailbuilders that show up at a trail day.  More saws in more packs = more clear trails from small trees and branches!

The plastic/rubber handled folding saw is a more sturdy grade with a blade that will stay sharp and not bend in the cut.  This is the one we recommend for someone that takes a pack saw with them no matter where they ride.  Light weight, but tough and sharp.  It'll do the trick when you need it.

And the longer, non-folding one?  That's for the bigger hand-cuts you might need to do.  A 12" blade means technically you can cut out a 24" log.  We wouldn't want to hand cut a 24" log, but it's possible!

Power Tool Fuel Bottles

We have found a basic, sturdy line of metal fuel bottles for you.  Why are they nice?  They have the right seals to not swell due to gas & oil.  We've also chosen the sizes based on number of fills for a small trail chainsaw.   A 750ml for gas and a 530ml for bar oil will get you three full tanks worth of cutting.  If your arms aren't done by that point, then we tip our Oregon bars to you!


Have a look at our full collection of accessories for all the trail building delights we carry.  Have one that you know about and want to share?   Send us an email or tag us on Instagram (@cascadiatrailbuilder) with your favorite trick tools.